Missed-call OTP

Using Missed-call as a notification channel to validate OTP code for any secure transactions on your website or mobile app.


The request contains JSON body with target phone number who will recieve the OTP code.

Curl Example

                                curl --location --request POST 'https://api.motict.com/v1/calls' \
                                --header 'Authorization: api_key' \
                                --header 'content-type: application/json' \
                                --data-raw '{
                                    "phone_number": "+6285123456790"


                                "phone_number": "+6285123456790"


Name Type Required Description
api_key String Yes API key credential will be provided by Motict team.
phone_number String Yes Phone numbers are in E.164 format (e.g., +6285123456790)
Only Indonesia’s country code is supported.


The request contains JSON body with call id, tokens and the message whether the request success or error.


                                "id": "c086ba75-2e0c-44dc-a252-aed4b6edae58",
                                "token": "1234",
                                "token_6_digit": "123456",
                                "full_token": "+1234567890",
                                "message": "success"


Name Type Description
id String Call ID will be used as call identifier for each request
token String 4 last digits token
token_6_digit String 6 last digits token
full_token String full digits token
message String Success or error message. For error response, check Error section for mor details