Android SDK

When you need a real-time response to a Missed-call OTP, use our SDK on your Android code. Easier to send an Missed-call OTP and receive the OTP code.

How to Implement

These are several steps how to implement Motict Call SDK on your Android code.

Step 1

Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories

                            allprojects {
                                repositories {
                                    maven { url '' }

Step 2

Add the dependency

                            dependencies { 
                                implementation  'com.github.antonygunawan94.motict-android-sdk:sdk:0.4.2' 

Step 3

Import motict sdk to your activity, fragment or where will you use our SDK

                            import com.motict.sdk.MotictMissedCallVerifier;                                                        

Step 4

Initialize motict sdk using our builder and add your own listener, list of listeners can be found at the bottom of this page

                            verifier = new MotictMissedCallVerifier
                            addMissedCallVerificationStartedListener(start ->
                                    runOnUiThread(() -> Toast.makeText(ExampleOneActivity.this,
                                            String.format("Missed Call Verification Started: %s %s %s %s",
                            .addMissedCallVerificationFailedListener(failed ->
                                    runOnUiThread(() -> {
                                        if (failed instanceof PermissionDeniedException)
                                                String.format("Missed Call Verification Failed: %s",
                                                        failed.toString()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

Step 5

Start verifying phone number using missed call, don’t forget to catch exceptions thrown by this function. List of exceptions can be found and the bottom of this page

                            try {
                            } catch (PermissionDeniedException e) {
                                Log.e("VERIFICATION_FAILED", e.toString());
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                Log.e("VERIFICATION_FAILED", e.toString());

Step 6

Just relax and let our SDK do all the hard works for you

Step 7

Don’t forget to clear the SDK after you’ve already done using it to avoid memory leak

                            protected void onDestroy() {

SDK Reference

You can find more detail about the Motict Missed-call SKD here.

class MotictMissedCallVerifier

                            class MotictMissedCallVerifier

                            // LIST OF METHODS:
                            public void startVerification(String phoneNumber) throws Exception
                            // method for starting missed call verification flow
                            public void cancelVerification()
                            // method for cancelling current missed call verification flow
                            public void verifyPinCode(String pinCode)
                            // method for manually verifying pin code when missed call received
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationStartedListener(MissedCallVerificationStartedListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed call verification flow started
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationReceivedListener(MissedCallVerificationReceivedListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed received
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationSucceedListener(MissedCallVerificationSucceedListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed call verification flow succeed
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationCancelledListener(MissedCallVerificationCancelledListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed call verification flow cancelled
                            public void clear()
                            // method for clearing resource used by SDK to avoid memory leak                                

class MotictMissedCallVerifier.Builder

                            class MotictMissedCallVerifier.Builder

                            // CONSTRUCTOR:
                            public Builder(Context context)
                            // LIST OF METHODS:
                            public Builder withApiKey(String apiKey)
                            // method for registering api key to this builder
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationStartedListener(MissedCallVerificationStartedListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed call verification flow started
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationReceivedListener(MissedCallVerificationReceivedListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed received
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationSucceedListener(MissedCallVerificationSucceedListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed call verification flow succeed
                            public void addMissedCallVerificationCancelledListener(MissedCallVerificationCancelledListener listener)
                            // method for adding callback when missed call verification flow cancelled
                            // LIST OF EXCEPTIONS:
                            class AirplaneModeActiveException
                            // exception thrown when airplane mode is active when starting missed call verification flow
                            class ApiResponseException
                            // exception thrown when there are exceptions when our SDK calling our Backend API
                            class BlockedUnusualActivityException
                            // exception thrown when there are unusual activity on verified phone number
                            class InvalidAuthException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is supplied with wrong API Key
                            class InvalidAuthTokenException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is supplied with wrong API Key
                            class InvalidPhoneNumberException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is supplied with invalid phone number format
                            class InvalidPinCodeException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is supplied with invalid pin code in current missed call verification flow
                            class IPNotAllowedException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is called when caller IP is blocked by our system
                            class MaxAttemptExceededException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is called using the same phone numbers several times
                            class MissingAuthTokenException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is supplied with empty API Key
                            class PermissionDeniedException
                            // exception thrown when SDK doesn’t have required permission
                            class PinCodeVerificationNotStartedException
                            // exception thrown when SDK verifyPinCode method called before startVerification method called
                            class ServiceUnavailableException
                            // exception thrown when SDK is called when our backend system crashing